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Joining the team

If you are interested in joining the Wing Commander: Hostile Frontier mod team, we are always looking for new people to help make this mod become a reality. Some experience with FS2_Open modding and using the available mod tools or CGI programs is required, but we are not looking for professionals. If you're interested, send a private message to Talon 1024 on Hard Light Productions, post in the hiring thread on our forum, or send an e-mail to this address:
e-mail address

We are currently looking for writers, mission designers, and beta testers. Modellers, texture artists, and additional German/English translators are also welcome.

Keep in mind that Wing Commander: Hostile Frontier is just a fan project, and we are just volunteers using our spare time to work on the mod.

WCHF Website Content and Design © 2011 by Kevin Caccamo. Wing Commander and other Origin products are © by Origin Systems, Inc. Project hosted by Hard Light Productions. All Rights Reserved.